What Logo Design Style is Right for Your Brand?
As a brand or business, having an effective logo design is essential to set you apart and make an impact on your audience. The logo design needs to be unique and recognizable enough that it distinguishes your brand from your competitors while also effectively communicating what values you stand for. Finding the right logo design […]
Contextualization in Logo Design Process
Logo design is one of the most critical elements in marketing and a crucial part of a brand’s public perception. However, logo designers often fail to consider an aspect that is just as important – contextualization. In essence, contextualization refers to creating designs within the frame of the social and cultural understanding of your audience; […]
17 Captivating Logo Design Combinations (The Color Psychology)
Color is powerful. It’s a universal language that has the potential to influence emotion, evokes memories, and engage viewers – no matter their cultural background. While the interpretation of many colors and color combinations is universal; cultural differences, context, and individual differences are the things that you should never overlook! But did you know that […]