World’s First Barter App

TapnSwap is a groundbreaking platform for free bartering within communities. Users can list unwanted items, browse offers, and swap seamlessly. The app promotes sustainability by encouraging reuse, fostering community, and reducing waste.

White TapnSwap Logo

TapnSwap is a revolutionary platform designed to facilitate free bartering within communities. Users can easily list items they no longer need, browse through offers from others, and swap items seamlessly. The app promotes a sustainable lifestyle by encouraging the reuse of items, fostering a sense of community, and reducing waste



Services used:

World’s First Barter App - TapnSwap

Challenge we faced

TapnSwap, as a pioneering barter app, faced the challenge of creating a unique and engaging platform that could handle the complexities of bartering. This involved not only an intuitive user interface but also robust backend systems to manage transactions and user interactions securely and efficiently. Additionally, TapnSwap required a strong brand identity that would resonate with users and clearly communicate the app’s unique value proposition.

Goals and Objectives


Develop a distinct and memorable brand identity.


Design a user-friendly web and mobile app that simplifies the bartering process.


Ensure the backend infrastructure can handle high volumes of transactions securely.


Create a seamless user experience across all platforms (web and mobile).

Our Strategy

Our Strategy to achieve our goals, we developed a comprehensive strategy that blends cutting-edge technology with creative design solutions. We crafted a bold brand identity for TapnSwap, emphasizing trust, community, and sustainability. Our design team created an intuitive, user-friendly interface for web and mobile applications. We integrated advanced technologies to ensure a robust and scalable platform, and we implemented community features like user profiles, ratings, and feedback systems to foster interaction and community building.

Technology used:

React Icon


Stack Icons


React Icon


MySQL logo


World’s First Barter App


Our solutions encompassed branding, web design, and web app development. We developed a vibrant brand identity for TapnSwap with a memorable logo, color scheme, and typography to appeal to the target audience and convey the app’s core values. Our design team created an intuitive and visually appealing interface for both web and mobile apps, focusing on simplicity and ease of navigation. We built a responsive web application using React.js, ensuring speed and reliability, and used React Native for the mobile app to maintain consistency across iOS and Android platforms. The backend, developed with Laravel, managed APIs securely and efficiently, while MySQL handled database management to ensure reliable storage and retrieval of user data and transactions.

Exchange Platform

TapnSwap’s unique selling proposition lies in its ability to provide a completely free bartering platform. Unlike traditional marketplaces, TapnSwap eliminates the need for money in transactions, promoting a sustainable and community-driven approach to exchanging goods. The app’s user-friendly interface and robust community features make it easy for users to engage in swaps, fostering a sense of trust and reliability.

World’s First Barter App


Our collaboration with TapnSwap led to the successful launch of the world’s first barter app, achieving significant milestones. The distinctive brand identity we created quickly established strong market presence and recognition. The user-friendly design and seamless experience across web and mobile platforms resulted in high user engagement and satisfaction. Our robust backend and secure transaction management system efficiently handled a high volume of swaps. Community-building features such as user profiles, ratings, and feedback systems fostered trust and interaction, essential for the platform’s success.


User Growth in 3 months


Swaps in first quarter


Highly satisfied customers


Brand Recognition

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World’s First Barter App

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