What Is the Sentence?

WITS, or “What is the Sentence,” is an educational gaming app that sparks creativity and tests vocabulary skills. Players generate unique sentences from five random letters, encouraging outside-the-box thinking and creativity. Scores are based on the originality and creativity of sentences, making it a fun way to enhance language skills.
Learning English made Fun

WITS, short for “What is the Sentence,” is a creative and educational gaming app designed to spark players’ creativity and test their vocabulary skills. The game revolves around generating unique and imaginative sentences from five random letters, challenging users to think outside the box and craft one-of-a-kind sentences. The player’s score is determined by the originality and creativity of their sentences, making it a fun and engaging way to enhance language skills.



Services used:

Learning English made Fun

Challenge we faced

WITS partnered with Fleekbiz to develop a dynamic and interactive mobile gaming app, aiming to bring their innovative concept to life. Our challenge was to create an engaging user experience that seamlessly integrates the game’s unique mechanics, ensuring robust performance across iOS and Android devices. Key challenges included sustaining user engagement with captivating gameplay, achieving cross-platform compatibility, building a scalable backend to manage growing user activity, and implementing an efficient real-time scoring algorithm for sentence evaluation.

Goals and Objectives


To develop an intuitive and engaging mobile app that enhances the user’s creative and linguistic abilities.


To ensure a seamless and consistent user experience across multiple platforms.


To build a robust backend that supports real-time data processing and scalability.


To create an appealing and user-friendly interface that encourages prolonged engagement with the game.

Our Strategy

Our strategy encompassed several key elements to ensure the success of the WITS mobile gaming app. We began with user-centric design, conducting thorough user research and usability testing to tailor the app to our target audience’s preferences and behavior. Utilizing React Native for cross-platform development, we guaranteed seamless functionality across iOS and Android devices. In backend development, we implemented Laravel to create a scalable architecture capable of efficient data management and growth. Additionally, we focused on real-time processing by developing a scoring algorithm to promptly evaluate the uniqueness and creativity of sentences during gameplay.

Technology used:

React Native




React Js




Wits Game Home Screen


Fleekbiz successfully developed a captivating mobile app for WITS, prioritizing user engagement and creativity stimulation. Our technology stack included React.js for the web dashboard used by administrators, React Native for building the mobile app on both iOS and Android platforms, and Laravel for robust backend development handling APIs and business logic across web and mobile. MySQL was employed for efficient database management, ensuring a high-performing and scalable application experience.

Joy of gameplay with effective
language learning

WITS stands out by combining creativity and education in a fun and engaging manner. The game not only entertains but also enhances players’ vocabulary and creative thinking skills, making it a unique offering in the gaming market.

Wits Game Profile Screen


The WITS app achieved notable success with increased user engagement attributed to its intuitive design and engaging gameplay, leading to higher retention rates. It performed seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms, earning positive feedback from users across both ecosystems. The scalable backend infrastructure efficiently managed growing user data and activity, ensuring smooth performance under increased load. Players also reported enhanced vocabulary and creative thinking abilities, aligning with the app’s core objectives of stimulating creativity and learning.


User Growth


User Engagement


Language Improvement


Brand Recognition

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Wits Game Opponent Screen

Learning English
Made Fun

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Wits assists companies in designing SOX programs that deliver upon compliance objectives, without putting undue strain.

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