A Fresh Look at Pepsi’s New Logo

6 min


Pepsi, one of the world’s most recognizable brands, celebrated its 125th anniversary with a bold and exciting reveal. This fresh update features a bold, circular shape and a simple, eye-catching typeface. It’s the latest evolution of Pepsi’s visual identity, which has seen countless redesigns throughout the years. The brand revealed the logo and visual identity, marking its first update in 15 years. Pepsi’s new logo is all about representing Pepsi’s most irresistible qualities and evolving with a fresh and modern look. The changes will be seen across all touchpoints, from packaging to apparel, giving the entire brand a fresh new feel. The redesign shows that Pepsi is looking forward to the future, while still embracing its iconic heritage. Get ready to see Pepsi in a whole new light!

Bold and Confident Visual Identity

Prepare for a bold and confident new look from Pepsi, as their CMO Todd Kaplan notes that the current logo just isn’t cutting it. The disconnection between the lowercase muted blue “pepsi” and the globe isn’t quite the bold and confident message the brand wants to convey. Rather, Pepsi represents “unapologetic enjoyment” and radiates confidence and energy. It’s time for a change – something bolder and more representative of the iconic brand. The new logo reflects Pepsi’s message of boldness and unapologetic enjoyment with its upper-case font, the clear contrast between the red, white, and blue waves, and centered placement in a dynamic circle. The rebrand certainly sends an energized message consistent with Pepsi’s values.

Bold and Confident Visual Identity

Keeping the Brand Heritage

Pepsi has crafted an updated logo and visual identity that provides a unique look for the brand. It is unapologetically current and contemporary but still pays homage to the brand’s 125-year longevity. At the center of it, all lies the new Pepsi world and typeface; a combination that can be used in a variety of contexts while emphasizing Pepsi’s distinct branding. Similarly, modern elements were added to create a fresh look and feel that is recognizable yet relevant to today’s logo design trends. There’s no doubt that this new look will carry Pepsi into its next century of success.

Furthermore, the all-new, visually distinct can silhouette of Pepsi is an ode to the iconic brand, making it accessible for fans and consumers alike. With modern styling and a custom typeface, this logo design reflects the brand’s unapologetic stance and power without straying from its original roots. Added detailing includes the iconic Pepsi pulse, which pays homage to the “ripple, fizz, and pop” of Pepsi Cola, as well as invoking the rhythm and energy of the music – which has long been part of the brand identity. Consumers will be sure to recognize this new can’s unique look anywhere they go!

Keeping the Brand Heritage

The Pepsi Brand Story

The Pepsi brand story began more than 125 years ago with a pharmacist’s search for the perfect refreshing beverage. Since then, the iconic brand has grown to become one of the most recognizable in the world. In 2016, Pepsi launched its biggest global marketing campaign ever. With the hashtag “Pepsi Generations,” the campaign celebrates Pepsi’s rich history and its commitment to staying relevant for generations to come. From the iconic magazine covers featuring Michael Jackson and Madonna in the 1980s, to partnerships with popular athletes such as David Beckham, it’s clear that Pepsi has a knack for reaching new audiences. As part of this celebration, many of these classic Pepsi commercials were brought back to life. With each new commercial, the world is reminded that through it all, Pepsi remains one of the most beloved beverages in the world and will continue to be a symbol of success for generations to come.

Pepsi Brand Story

Pepsi’s History of Visual Identity

How it All Started?

Did you know that Pepsi was originally named “Brad’s Drink” – before it was renamed – after its inventor in 1893? And that Coca-Cola’s swirly typeface inspired Pepsi’s logo. Take a look at the original Pepsi logo and you might just do a double-take – it looks remarkably similar to Coca-Cola’s! With Pepsi, a long, flowing line connected Pepsi’s “P” with Cola’s “C”.

How it (pepsi) All Started

Since its inception in 1898, Pepsi has gone through a transformative journey, but its roots remain true to its signature hues. In fact, the white and red color scheme has been a fundamental element of Pepsi’s image for over a century. Later, in 1940, Pepsi changed its logo and branding colors to Red, Blue, and White – creating a distinct brand identity from Coca-Cola.
1940 Pepsi Logo

The 1950 – Pepsi’s Rebranding

The Pepsi revolution started in 1950 with a new, clean logo. The circular design was inspired by the Original Pure Food Drink slogan and has become an iconic symbol recognized worldwide. And let’s not forget about the stunning blue color that was added to the classic red and white scheme which became Pepsi’s identity for decades to come.

Pepsi underwent another major logo transformation in the swinging 60s when the company introduced a brand new bottle design with a serrated cap. The classic color scheme of red and blue still remained. This change in visual identity was followed by Pepsi’s legendary “Pepsi Generation” ad campaign – ushering in a new era of pop culture dominance. Also, Pepsi boldly dropped the word ‘Cola’ from its logo as part of this rebranding effort – which was never to be seen again.

1950 Pepsi Logo

The 1970s – The Vibrance & Minimalism

Pepsi decided to streamline and simplify its brand by ditching fancy scripts. The word ‘Cola’ was still absent from the logo, which made it even more iconic – to this day. Today, we all recognize the same bold red and blue circle with the word “Pepsi” in the center, the foundation of which was laid in the 70s – standing the test of time.


The 1990s – Era of Modernization

In 1991, Pepsi made a bold move to split its iconic circle from its text. Instead of sticking to tradition, Pepsi placed the typeface in a trapezoid shape on the top of its label. The red and blue circle was placed below the text. Since removing the ‘Pepsi’ from the center of the logo left a gap in the logo, Pepsi opted to turn the white space into a wavy white line instead.

1990 Pepsi Logo

1998 – Pepsi’s 100th Birthday Celebration

In 1998, Pepsi celebrated its 100th birthday with a revamp of its iconic logo. The classic red background turned cool blue, while the iconic Pepsi name regained its crisp white shade. This new design gave the brand a refreshingly modern and three-dimensional look, perfect for the new millennium.

1998 Pepsi Logo

2008 – The Present

A decade after the previous design, the Pepsi logo underwent a dramatic transformation in 2008. The bold circle reemerged as the primary focal point, placed next to the typeface. But this time it was different. The white wave separating red and blue was tilted upward and curved into a wave-like pattern – similar to a smiley face. The new logo gave an uplifting, joyful vibe that perfectly matched Pepsi’s iconic refreshing taste.

2008 Pepsi Logo


Pepsi’s visual identity has gone through several redesigns since Pepsi’s creation in 1898. Pepsi’s new identity is a tribute to the brand’s rich history while bringing its logo and visual identity into the 21st century. This updated brand is sure to reach new audiences and redefine what it means to capture the beverage industry. The launch of this new look in North America this spring is an exciting step towards creating a persistent and adaptable Pepsi visual profile that will be celebrated around the world when it rolls out globally in 2024. Keep up with all of the news regarding the rebranding by following Pepsi on social media and keep tabs on the expansive range of beverages they continue to produce. With such a rich heritage behind them, we can’t wait to see what Pepsi has in store for us next.

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